Friday, May 15, 2009

Wanted Weapons Of Fate

Ok first this is a game that's been out for a bit. I had a request for this review. This is one of the shortest story modes I've ever played (the story mode clocks in at around four hours), but I have to say, it was a blast for about 90% of that short times. I wasn't a fan of the segments where you use a stationary gun, but the bulk of this 3rd person cover shooter is a blast.

I'm a sucker for a polished play mechanic, and being able to curve bullets, just like main character Wesley Gibson did in the movie is just a blast. It's especially satisfying when you follow the bullet's trajectory in slow motion until it reaches its target. To be honest, I used it even when I really didn't have to, although the the melee combat works perfectly well, too.

If you were a fan of the movie, you'll appreciate that the game builds on its fiction, giving you a chance to play as Wesley's father (who is great). It's really nice to see someone follow the lead of the recently re-released Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butch Bay and tell new stories with movie licenses. The writing fits the nasty tone of the movie and comics well. Speaking of which, comics fans will enjoy the JG Jones art that's among the game's many unlockables.

Speaking of those, if you're the kind of person who has to unlock everything, there's a little replay value for the short game. There are a lot of characters to unlock, but they basically amount to skins; the gameplay basically stays the same. I also wasn't a fan of the game modes you can open up, that require you to dispatch a set number of enemies with headshots or melee kills to advance in a level. You also get some achievements for using different characters on the unlockable hard difficulty (why do so many games make hard mode unlockable now?), if you're in to that.

That said, I enjoyed the game enough to replay it a few times because curving bullets never gets old. That alone makes it a must play in my book, especially if you can play it at your leisure. I give it 9 out of 10

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