Friday, May 15, 2009

Leisure Suit Larry Box Office Bust

There are some people that owe Larry and all of his fans an apology. I admit that the Larry games have never been all that strong, game wise, but it was a cult hit for the guilty pleasure of something adult other than just blood and violence. The previous Larry games were like buying a Playboy magazine. You said it was for the articles, but you wanted to see the naked women.

Now, Larry has been bought by a new gaming company that actually believed that people read Playboy for the articles and they took all nudity out of Larry's game. It has been revamped away from a guilty pleasure game to a really weak platformer with a camera that hates you and pointless missions.

I was pretty let down by this game. Larry's games used to give a welcome relief from me playing hardcore shooter games and was something my inner 12 year old could giggle at. Now it is just another poorly made (and I tell you this game was like they weren't even trying) platformer. It plays like Codemasters just had a couple of interns throw something together over the weekend.

Trust me. I played it to be loyal to Larry, but Larry is gone and this game just pees on his grave. I give it a 2 out of 10

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